Local Governing Boards
Each Educate Together school has a Local Governing Board (LGB) comprised of staff, parents, local residents, and co-opted governors, generously giving up their time and expertise to help develop and shape the school for the community it works within.
To head over to a schools’ website for further info, please click the logo below.
The LGB also acts as a line of communication between the school and the Trust Board, working alongside a Link Trustee, to ensure consistency of ethos across all schools.
Our LGB’s work to an agreed Terms of Reference in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, which can be found on the Policies and Documents page. Each school has a list of governors and their relevant information on their school website, along with the contact details for their Clerk. You can contact the Chair of an LGB either by email to the Clerk or by sealed envelope, marked for their attention, delivered to the schools office.
Governor Vacancies
Each school lists their Governor vacancies on their website but if you are interested in becoming a governor, please do let us know and we can answer any questions and out you in touch with the relevant Clerk and Chair for your area.